Welcome to our In the Know topic for September, Constitution and Citizenship Day. You may wish to take a look at other grade spans and recommend articles to students that are below or above their grade’s reading level.
Grades K-1 look at the drafting of the Constitution and what it means to them.
Grades 2-3 look at the spirit of compromise during the drafting of the Constitution.
Grades 4-5 look at different ways to become a citizen.
Additionally, you may wish to revisit our Labor Day coverage from the archives:
Grades K-1 celebrate Labor Day by looking at different jobs people do.
Grades 2-3 look at the history of Labor Day.
Grades 4-5 look at the accomplishments of labor unions.
For ideas on how to use this site, extend your lessons, guide discussion and address controversy, go to the Teaching Tools Tab.
Photo Credit: larry1235/Shutterstock