Celebrating Women Leaders

Deb Haaland

Welcome to our In the Know topic for January, Celebrating Women Leaders.  As Kamala Harris begins her historic term as the United States’s first Vice President, we will look at other notable female political leaders. You may wish to take a look at other grade spans and recommend articles to students that are below or above their grade’s reading level.

Grades K-1 learn about notable women leaders.  A Spanish translation to the article may be found here.

Grades 2-3 explore the life of Patsy Mink, the first woman of color to serve in Congress. A Spanish translation to the article may be found here.

Grades 4-5 learn about Deb Haaland, the first Native American to be nominated for a cabinet position.  A Spanish translation to the article may be found here.

For ideas on how to use this site, extend your lessons, guide discussion and address controversy, go to the Teaching Tools Tab.

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of the Office of Congresswoman Deb Haaland. Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives.